Teaching children to read - Teach reading best review
Teaching children to read - Teach reading best review. Teach reading at home A fun & easy learning to read program.

Home Reading Reading with children How to read to children Reading and comprehension Reading fluency Development Language activities Songs for children Kids and tv What is self esteem? Story telling Play & Learn Benefits of play Types of play Playing with children About puppets Products Book of rhymes Family word wheel Blending word cards Alphabet flash cards Sight word cards Sight word phrases Books for babies Beginner books. Here are a range of reading aids to help you to successfully teach reading skills to your child at home.

This rhyme book will assist your child to learn to read. The rhymes in this book introduce the  most commonly used ‘word families’ or phonograms. Phonograms are a more reliable way to introduce letter sounds. Teaching your child ‘word families’ will build reading skills by assist them to decode, building fluency and aiding their understanding of the text .

The ‘family word wheel’ includes 38 ‘rhyme' endings and 52 ‘onsets’, and is ideal for teaching letter sound association for commonly used phonograms. The 'family word wheel' helps children to construct and deconstruct words, ideal for learning to read. The wheel has concentric circles that when rotated form over 560 words. Read More detail...


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