Diabetes 60 System Review is as a sufferer of Type 2 Diabetes, I like to make sure I give all the various popular diabetes ebooks a chance to really impress me. I’ve suffered for 2 years now, and after trying a lot of different natural methods (Paleo, meditteranien diet, ADA diet, Metformin etc) I’ve gotten good at telling what really works apart from what’s crap. While diet and lifestyle changes can’t cure Type 1 Diabetes, they are VERY effective for managing Type 2. The question is whether Ryan Shelton’s treatment program is something I would personally advise my close friends and family to use in order to treat their diabetes.
So let’s get right into it.
The Diabetes 60 System is a VERY recently created diabetes management system (came out this month I believe) from Diabetes60system.com, created by Dr. Ryan Shelton, M.D., in order to help Type 2 Diabetics manage their condition through natural methods. The goal is for people who follow his program to be able to rely on medications (such as daily insulin shots and blood glucose monitoring) less and less everyday until their symptoms are pretty much gone. Shelton is a big supporter of the natural way of doing things, and there’s plenty of evidence that supports Type II diabetics being able to take control of their disease through lifestyle and diet changes. He provides such evidence to support his overall claim: through following his guidelines, you’ll still technically have diabetes but you won’t be affected by the disease in any way.

What is The Program?
First glance from looking at their website is that it’s very well designed nice. This is important for only ONE reason: most diabetes scam programs don’t take the time to even design a good website. Even less include an actual video of their creator talking, but that’s the first thing you get when you visit this site. Don’t get me wrong, the most important thing is the content, but someone who takes the care to design a site like this is less likely to be in it for more selfish reasons.
Onward to the actual treatment itself: This book comes with a guideline about what exactly this “60 seconds a day” system is, a protocol for you to follow to make it easier on you, and also comes with a video collection. The entire program is focused on teaching readers about diabetic nutrition, medicine, and lifestyle changes that promote an overall improved quality of life. There’s also a distinct lack of any medicine/pills etc. involved, which I personally view as a bonus (I MUCH prefer natural methods).
The Diabetes 60 System is pretty effective at guiding you through exactly what you Shelton’s protocol is. I can’t reveal the exact nature of the book because then I’d be liable to be sued for exposing the contents for free, but if you wish to check it out for yourself there is a free 2 month guarantee that comes with it. If it doesn’t work for you, and it may just not because of genetic/uncontrollable reasons, you can get your money back. But the methods of the book are so well laid out that you don’t have to worry about your results being dependent on whether or not you followed instructions. The book is too concise for that to happen.
More Info
The system is concise as I said above, but it’s not revolutionary in it’s base ideas – just creative in how it goes about solving your typical diabetes problems. Some things that are touched upon, such as types of sugar and foods that lead to blood sugar spikes, are pretty commonly included in diabetes treatment books, but this isn’t a bad thing. Shelton takes this time to explain what foods are the most damaging to diabetics, and therefor should be avoided in order to see a decrease in their blood sugar/blood glucose levels. You should be familiar with a few of these already: high sugar or high fat foods, high carb food (especially so), and excessive salt are big culprits of complications for diabetics.
The first start is eliminating or severely limiting your intake of such foods. SIDENOTE: Even if you end up not trying out or not liking Shelton’s program, I highly recommend (personally) that you reduce your intake of such foods. They absolutely wreak havoc on your internal organs because of the inflammation caused by consuming them.
Besides a focus on diet, this book also mentions exercise (you thought you could avoid it, didn’t you?!). But don’t worry, it’s not rigorous exercise. In fact, it’s just a very simple exercise that you can perform for 60 seconds a day to see a serious reduction in your Type 2 diabetes symptoms – according to Dr. Shelton. The fact that he took the time to design an entire treatment system around this one exercise says a lot about his faith in its ability to work.
Besides this one, central exercise, the book does make sure to supplement you with a good amount of general information, scientific backing for the claims that the good doctor is making, and really breaking down a guideline for you to follow to make sure that you have no problem with the material. Even if your blood glucose doesn’t go down from following the procedures of the book, at least your blood pressure won’t go up from trying to comprehend the material. Haha! …Bad joke?
Ryan Shelton’s Diabetes 60 – How It Works
Part 1 of the treatment is identifying what factors are currently in your life that are putting you at risk of developing more diabetes complications, or simply making any treatments you are trying or will try less effective in the long run.
There’s more to the system than just identifying these factors, however. The Diabetes 60 System is all about easing you into making gradual changes to your overall lifestyle and diet to live a healthier life, but catering to the innate laziness of human beings. Asking someone to completely overhaul their lifestyle, even to deal with diabetes, is a tall order – and Shelton understands this. That’s why he wraps a very easy change (a 60 second workout) in a comfortable package of gradual life and food changes with a pretty soothing and easy to read dialect.
Feature 1: The System Itself
This is the main guide that has everything you want to know about diabetes, diabetic diets, the 60 seconds a day workout for diabetes, evidence, Shelton’s credentials, and more. Also included in this is the 8 Week Protocol which breaks down what exactly you want to do to see significant changes after…you guessed it, 8 weeks. The 8 Week protocol will guide you day-by-day.
Feature 2: Video Collection
This is something I don’t normally see included with diabetes treatment programs, but Shelton also has a video collection in which he has an instructor guide you through all the various exercises (60 seconds a piece) you can perform to combat diabetes. This is meant purely for convenience, and Ryan Shelton has made it so you can access these videos from your computer, laptop, cell phone, or even tablet.
BONUS 1: Recipe Collection
This was a big plus towards the system as a whole for me. After spending some time talking about how dietary changes can be beneficial, Shelton takes it a step further and actually includes a recipe collection to make it even easier to alter your diet. You can look through these recipes and pick anything that sounds good, knowing that whatever you cook has been proven to lower blood sugar levels and alleviate diabetic symptoms.
BONUS 2: Health Tracker
This is free software that also comes with the system, and basically makes it easy for you to keep track of your progress on your computer or tablet. This way, you can real-time monitor any changes in your weight, blood sugar, or blood pressure levels. Like I said, Shelton REALLY made it easy to follow this guide and see success
How To Get The Diabetes 60 System
Sheltons’s system (bonuses included) is available in its entirety on their site right now. You may press the button below to be taken to their information page.
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