You may occasionally be offered to write posts in exchange for pay. Basically, you will be asked to cover a particular product or website as a news story or review. This can be a good source of revenue, but it requires significantly more work than standard advertising, and usually won't pay as much money.
You will have to research the product, website, or company very thoroughly before you write about it. Don't sacrifice your integrity or your reputation for the sake of money! You need to be certain the company is legitimate and that their offerings are high-quality. You can really ruin your reputation if you recommend something scammy or low-quality.
You will also have to spend time writing the post, and they will expect it to be a thorough and in-depth review if they are paying you.
Just be certain they know you will only write your true opinion, and they will have no say in what you write.
Your reputation will matter a great deal to the success of your blog, so never compromise it for the sake of earning money.
For those who are interested in participating in blog networks that pay you per assignment or project, there are many different opportunities available to even the newest blogger. Here is a break down of the different options available to you:
Pay Per Post - Pay Per Post is one of the larger services available that offer bloggers the opportunity to get paid for blogging about specific subjects. In fact, they are one of the pioneers of 'paid to blog' opportunity-based marketplaces.
Blogitive - This is a super program for start up bloggers as you can earn $5.00 per post regardless of your current traffic, or how new your blog may be. I joined this network immediately after settting up my blog and have experienced great success with it. It's really a lot of fun!
Loud Launch - This works similarly to Pay Per Post where you can browse and accept opportunities however it's still growing in size and isn't nearly as popular as Pay Per Post. Still, It's a great opportunity for new blogs and bloggers with very few requirements such as the fact that your blog must be at least two months old and you must have the ability to use Paypal to receive your earnings.
Review Me - The Review Me program works differently than the Pay Per Post one because with, potential advertisers will contact you directly offering to pay you to review their website or blog.
Sponsored Reviews - This site includes aspects of both Pay Per Post and Review Me, in which you can browse and accept offers as well as allow advertisers to contact you directly with project offers.
Blogger Wave - Blogger Wave can pay you up to $10.00 per post and have very few requirements, making this is a great choice for new bloggers.
Smorty - This company will pay you $6.00 + per post with the payments increasing as your blog grows in popularity.
BlogVertise - Blogvertise works very differently from that of Pay Per Post and Review Me in terms of how opportunities are offered and completed. With Blogvertise, their system matches bloggers to available offers, based on the type of content and ranking.
Link Worth - LinkWorth is one of the web's largest and most innovative marketing portals that caters to both Advertisers and Partners.
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