There has never been any concrete theory regarding women�s less fertile moments in healthy women. Besides effects of age and natural infertility, it is likely that there are other factors that need to be identified. Hence, there is the need to focus on perceptions because what has previously been held as facts has been proven irrelevant, albeit in rare cases. When is a woman least fertile? For eons, this has been one of the most sought-after answers from books, research studies, and even the internet.
The idea of not being able to control my own fertility genuinely terrifies me. That one mistake might change your life. That everything I am, and do, could be ended by the repeal of laws our mothers fought so hard for, that women had waited for the entire span of humanity to come about.
..Caitlin Moran..
Least Productive Time in Women
Being infertile means being utterly unable to conceive even in normal circumstances. A long-running study has shown that women are unique species exhibiting different characteristics. A good number of women can claim to have become pregnant after having unprotected intercourse during or immediately after their menstruation. Others can confirm that they have long considered their menstruation days safest and have been having unprotected sex with no risk of getting pregnant. The aforementioned studies are contrasting theories that only go to prove how different the female systems can be. Talking of least infertile periods, however, does not entirely rule out chances of getting pregnant. These are moments when chances are slightly lower as compared to others.
The time you�re less infertile as a woman is between the first and the seventh day of your menstrual cycle. The first day counts from the day a woman�s menstrual flow begins. Ovulation normally takes place on the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle, but it may vary from one individual to the other. For those whose periods are regular, their cycles run for 28 days, and can expect ovulation to occur naturally after 14 days. On the other hand, individuals who experience irregular periods, ovulation may take place at various intervals, say, the seventh day because their cycles are shorter by a week. It is solely up to a woman who has irregular periods to keep track of her cycle to be able to identify her safe or unsafe days.
Most Fertile Time in Women
The period of ovulation is when women are most fertile. Ovulation involves the release of unfertilized ova from the ovary midway through her periods. This usually takes place on the fourteenth day for women with a 28-day cycle. For those with irregular periods, ovulation takes place on the seventh day for their cycles are three weeks long. Ovulation occurs within a short period of only 24 hours, but the woman�s body is designed to keep sperms alive for up to five days. This means that a woman�s fertile window is six days before and after day 14 of her cycle. However, it is imperative to note that even women who experience regular periods can have their cycles altered due to:
- Medication � Some properties found in ordinary medicine may cause an alteration or two in a woman�s menstrual cycle, making it difficult to identify safe and unsafe days. These are not contraceptives, but medicine for treating other ailments.
- Use of contraceptives � Most of the pills taken by women for precautionary measures has been known to cause irregular cycles. Even though these are not permanent effects, they tamper with the system, albeit slightly, causing irregular periods.
- Exercises � Thorough workouts, especially those done after long periods may cause changes. This is not a common cause, though, but it cannot be ignored when monitoring a woman�s menses.
Does Age Affect Fertility in Women?
Women are said to be highly fertile between the ages of 20 and 24. Infertility levels tend to go up as a woman reaches the age of 30, with only 2 in 5 women getting pregnant after attaining the age of 40. Fertility falls steeply from the age of 35, even though that does not affect the nature of birth. Statistics have gone on to show that In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment is common in the age bracket of 35 and 40. However, there are reports that as woman ages, even this treatment becomes irrelevant. It has also been reported that cases of miscarriage are more pronounced among women who have attained the age of 35 and above. Very few women can claim to be fertile today at the age of 44, which means women should bear children preferably before their thirties.
Is Infertility Common?
Today, 10 percent of couples in childbearing age are infertile, and the numbers are said to be on the rise. Over 25 percent of these couples can attribute their infertility to more than a single cause. The commonest cause of infertility among women is the habit of delaying starting families until much later when their reproductive systems have been compromised. Another common cause of infertility is the presence of sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, which causes blockages in reproductive tubes. Self-induced abortion has also led to the rise of infertility level due to post-uterus infection.
Is Infertility in Women a Medical Problem?
Infertility is a medical condition commonly affecting both men and women. In women, it is as a result of tubal blockages, PCOS, endometriosis, and advanced age that affect both the quality and quantity of eggs.
Can Infertility be Treated?
There is fertility treatment that can be used to increase the chances of getting pregnant in women. Treatments include lifestyle changes, surgery, food supplements, medication, or what is known as assisted reproduction. Under assisted reproduction, there are processes such as; in vitro fertilization, Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT), and Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT). These are advanced procedures that involve harvesting ovum hoping to fertilize at least one, after which it is inserted into the uterus.
Keeping a correct record of your cycle is the only way to establish the days you�re less fertile. Unless you have become infertile due to natural causes like age and medical conditions, there are those days you may choose to practice unsafe sex. Similarly, if you understand your ovulation days, you can also tell the days when you are highly likely to get pregnant. If perhaps you have wanted to have a baby, it is much easier to count six days prior, and after ovulating. This is the time you can be more certain to get pregnant. With the right information on when is a woman least fertile once can be able to know exactly the right time to conceive or not to.
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